Kali ni aku nak share trick yang terbaru akau dapat dari laman web hacker yang berasal China. Trik ni confirm boleh surf internet free. Tapi yang aku berjaya hack adalah Celcom punya je. Yang lain tu nanti aku try usahakan.
So let begin.
1) Sebuah broadband berserta simcard yang jarang korang guna. Tak kira la masih active ke tak active ke janji belum janji simcard tuh belum di block oleh CELCOM.
Broadband Celcom |
2) Kali ni akau tak guna software tapu aku guna setting dalam Control Panel kat PC or laptop tuh.
![]() |
Kemudian korang click kat setting |
![]() |
Kat bahagian Proxy server korang wajib tick dan lepas to korang masukan no ip ni port nye 8080 kemudian korang tick pula Bypass proxy server for local addresses. |
Sebelum korang setting Internet Properties ni korang kena disconnect dulu broadbang korang tu.Lepas selesao setting baru korang connect balik broadband tuh ok. Selamat bersuff sepuasnya kawan2.Ooo lupa lak trik ni boleh download file besar besar der.Bye2.
Sharing is Caring der ^_^

mcm x dpt lha...
ReplyDeleteko kena cepat.lepas connect modem tuh ko terus bukak browser then ko trus masuk laman web Youtube. tapi kko kena guna mozilla firefox..baru dapat.
DeleteAcik, masih dpt guna lagi trik ni. Setakat ni sy guna ok je, ikut Trik @Mohd Rashid. Pastikan LALUAN HIDUP, baru dpt online mcm biasa.
HTTP Proxy:, Port: 8080
Tandakan x kotak: "use this proxy for server for all protocols
Eto ja Yang sya gnti ka Yang line X USDA mcm APN dia
DeleteEto ja Yang sya gnti ka Yang line X USDA mcm APN dia
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mcm mna nk dpt setting internet properties tu?? yg ada tulis XGAME dgn YESS tuu
ReplyDeleteyang yess tu dia ada sendiri time kita instal software broadband tuh..kalau celcom dia akan kuar celcom3g..lepas tu ko tekan je kat internet properties tu and edit je ip kat situ..tq
DeleteLpas edit blh mskkn sim kat phone x...blh gne intrnet kt phone ke..
Deletedah dpt tp kenapa bnyk web kdang2 xdpt access? dy terus pegi semula
ReplyDeletebiasa tu sbb mula2 server celcom akan detect conection kita tu sebagai anonymous..lama2 nanti dia akan jadi cam biasa..kena selelau online je la..baru akan jadi cam biasa...tq
Deletemmg xdpt download movie or apa2 file?? sbb kw tulis bole dwnload2.. tp sy lngsung xdpt.. tgk video dpt pula..
Deleteohh dah dpt cara pki idm.. xD thxxx
Deleteok..jangan lupa share kepada yang lain jigak ya...^_^
Deleteknp kaLau buat internet free ikut cara kat atas tu ye tak boLeh support game zynga poker? mcmne nk setting utk stiLL free tp dpt support game tu..
DeletePakai bypass kt google type bypass..,surf internet secara anonymously..semua bley buka
ReplyDeleteThanks bro.....
Welcome bro...semoga bermanfaant ^_^
DeleteBro... trik ni aq buat tak mnjadi
ReplyDeletesaya pun ada trick yang sama~celcom live
Sila lawati
kalau window 7 camne nak adjust tu? ada link x?
ReplyDeletesetting internet untuk windows 7 sama je dengan xp,8,vista sebab ia menggunakan operating microsoft. TQ
DeleteSalam , nak tanya ip proxy nie dapat dari mana ?
ReplyDeletebro ajar guna bitvise..bleh pass kuaota
ReplyDeletekat android mcm mna pula? :)
ReplyDeleteSalam bro..ak xley nk down file size besar..boley tlg x bro?
ReplyDeletesya dh try trick ni mmng mjadi,lg best bleh guna google chrome
ReplyDeleteBoleh ke download?..
Deletetry to download ultrasurf. and combine with this trick. it will be work :)
ReplyDeleteinfo: This trick also can be used for android 4+ smartphones
ReplyDeleteSetting>more>mobile networks>Acces Point Name> celcom3g internet> cahange proxy and port with this trick then save. you will enjoy free full speed internet.
Bro kalau mati laluan xdpt kn? Ada cara ke..?
Deletedan guna featvpn klu celcom udah dead
ReplyDeletemcm mna cara nak featvpn
DeleteSy try trick ni kat sim kad xboleh...
ReplyDeleteDie kne purchase internet dlu ke or boleh trus setting n pki jr?
x dpt la bro.. ade lain tak?
ReplyDeletemasih dpt lg la bro
Deletexdpt dwnload apex2 langsung celcom asik klua msg web servis x allowed.....pls help
ReplyDeleteset kn proxy di lan setting supaya boleh guna chrome
Deleteproblem baru,msj web servis x klua tp IDM x dpt capture download.bila click dwnload file asik blk ke page same jer...ada apex2 seting ke?
Deletesya gna ok je pn bleh download lg ni,sya gna Torch Browser
Deletesaya cuba msh same suf ok tp dwnld x dpt wlau pakey torch.asik tunjuk error 403 request file too large
Deleteaik sya gna ok je pn boleh download lg biar pn bsar mna size nya boleh je download
Deletesaya dah buat proxy kay lan setting kat chrome tp masih x dapat.ade idea lain?
ReplyDeletelan setting kt internet options bkn kat chrome
Deletedah cube mmg dpt tp x dpt downoad apex2? saye pkey celcom modem huawei
ReplyDeletecube gune idm (internet download manajer)..try jd ke x...klau xjd jugak ubah proxy dalam idm same macam proxy kat atas...pastu check semua http , https, ftp..klau xleh jugak try guna Ultrasuft..nk lbih detail pm email
Deletebro.. da x tmbus lg lah bro..aku rse trick ni da kne block.....ade trick lain x?
ReplyDeletemasih dpt lg bro,klu bro mau tau trick ni boleh guna hp android sbgai modem,tp dgn syarat bro kna set proxy d lan setting
Deletelatest update.. trick ni dah kena block.. sekian.. sedih
ReplyDeletebelum lagi x jamin bleh dwnload la....
ReplyDeletebetul2, mmg xle download even guna IDM. rasanya LALUAN HIDUP baru boleh online. So, kalau Laluan Mati mmg xda harapan la tu.
DeleteKalau setakat baca, google sikit main facebook rasanya xde masalah sgt. Tpi yg kerap bila buka page lain akan keluar "error" pastu balik ke
try uat...gne usb berukbnd silikom..sim hp silikom...pew pn xnek..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ReplyDeleteThis trick work sometimes..celcom will block it soon..too sad
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteda x dpt lah bro.... sedih nye.....
ReplyDeleteproxynya sudah tak berpungsi bruuuw
ReplyDeletedapat lagi tp x leh download apax2 lagi,surf je dapat...
Deletedpt lg setting cmne
Deleteda byk hari try xley msuk da ni
mne leh dpt bro... ade proxy len ker....mntk share bro...
ReplyDeletesape kt cni leh pkai lg trick ni.....aku leh share trick utk korng kne share.. cmner nk bypass tenet celcom...selain trick yg kne block ni.... email kt aku... ... THNK!
ReplyDeleteTAK DAPAT
ReplyDeleteX dapat dh la...ada trick laen x....
ReplyDeleteCustom search #225397
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bro ade trick utl ghost simcard x?
ReplyDeletetrik ni xjalan klu tamat tempoh..
ReplyDeleteBro.. saya ada try guna sim yg tamat tempoh.. bole jalan tapi speed Dw=130kbps ul: 220kbps .. ada cara bagi laju ke bro?.. email me
ReplyDeletetak dapat da trick ni ...ada trick lain tak...:)
Deletesalam bro . . ko skarang guna trick ni ke ???
ReplyDeleteSalam..admin boleh cari cara nak wat simcard 1m jadi ghost x..tolong yer.. x)
ReplyDeletecuba guna proxyfier dekat proxy setting pasang ip port ory celcom.. (celcom xpax24 je) try smoga berhasil..
ReplyDeleteport orynya brape booos?
Deleteada sape2 tahu cara nk wat internet free guna simkad celcom school pax ??
ReplyDeleteKlu mau tau trik sim skul celcom.
ReplyDeleteCari sy kat FB
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteinternet celcom percuma terbaru yg saya mod klik sini >
ReplyDeletexde trick terbaru celcom ker???
ReplyDeleteenjoy le puas2... we are watching all of you.. tindakan akan diambil keatas semua yang rajin sangat buat bend illegal macam ni.
Deletekedekut sgt, bg 4g bulan2 1.5 gb je, bodoh ke ape?
Deleteinternet is free, unlimited. "enjoy le puas2... we are watching all of you.. tindakan akan diambil keatas semua yang rajin sangat buat bend illegal macam ni."- bro lu hacker ke?... i dont think so...
DeleteTrick utk celcom uox ada x?ghost or free internet??anyone please share..sharing is caring..:)tq
wow trick celcom free internet .. best ni ..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMcm dah x boleh je.. ultrasurf pon dah x boleh juge.. ade cdgn len x. Mohon idea and any news
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletebodo pergi kongsi publlic...
ReplyDeletetad dpt la..sdh guna mozilla firefox..
ReplyDeletenot working anymore, stop trying!
ReplyDeletesiapa ada trick baru? Kongsi kongsi le.. Sharing is caring.. :D
ReplyDeleteCepat2 laa cari cara hack celcom ni... bosan nii.nk tengok anime ni..hahaha..share2 ler kalu ade trick baru yer...G.G..good luck have fun.
ReplyDeletetrik ultrasuft latest 14.03.cari kat
ReplyDeletebro boleh bg tau proxy yg mne lebih mnjdi..bnyak sangat,, x tau nk pilih yg mne stu..
Deleteplease nk trick baru...ghostkn sim...
ReplyDeleteemailkn lh bg private spya xkna block
DeleteMenjdi lgi ke skrg bos??
Deleteemail sy sama trick terbaru tq
ReplyDeletesalam ..klau utk smartphone ada trick tak ...bole wsapp ke no sy 0193360656..tq
ReplyDeleteberita baik buat pengguna ultrasurf.klik sini sy ada cara tersendiri guna ni trik ultrasurf celcom.
ReplyDeletekalau gun dekat phone boley
Deleteade trrick utk xpax24 x.. semua kne bayar.. dpt 2mbs pun da bsyukur da kt kg ni :(
ReplyDeleteape laman web tu china tu bro??
ReplyDeletebro,ada idea x utk TM unifi?
ReplyDeletesim xpax boleh guna trick ni, tapi sim kena hidup pastikan kredit RM0.00
ReplyDeleteBro ada trik internet free tuk sim car celcom x2
DeleteSimkad ni bleh guna internet dalam telefon x?
ReplyDeletemcam mana nak ghosh kan sim live me at
ReplyDeletemcm mna nk bt ghost untuk sim 1mlaysia?
ReplyDeleteemail me at
ReplyDeleteSape2 ade trik nk ghoskan simkad new sox ? Email me
ReplyDeletePayah pe guna psiphon je...
ReplyDeleteGuna psiphon x leyh tether...kalu boley pon skjp j..sbb ip always brubah klu tether..ade cara nk tether gune psiphon?
DeleteDah nak kenak ban dah , puas2 lah enjoy .
DeleteNi macam sim ghost ke?
ReplyDeleteknp kaLau buat internet free ikut cara kat atas tu ye tak boLeh support game zynga poker? mcmne nk setting utk stiLL free tp dpt support game tu..
ReplyDeleteghost dah kantoi.....
ReplyDeletewindow 8 mcm mana nak set??
ReplyDeleteada x trick sim uox utk fone...
ReplyDeleteemai kt
Deleteuntuk sim celcom biasa blh bt x?
DeleteKalau guna broadband kuota dia akan hbs ke ? Ke dpt free internet
ReplyDeleteUntuk dowwnload bro..pls...emai
ReplyDeletebro...mintak tolong sifu2 sat... bleh whatssup kat saya takcara terbaru utk hack... psiphon dah xbleh gna
thx bro. work like a charm. hehe
ReplyDeleteda xdpt guna
ReplyDeleteBro aeda trik baru tak
ReplyDeletePakai phiphon teruk le.da cara lain untuk surf free internet..
Pls email to
hello bro pls send me psphone vpn and port old ip not working pls send me email
ReplyDeletedh xleh guna
ReplyDeleteip port 8080, celkom close port dgn ip ni, xdapat connect. check kat
ReplyDeleteBos ada x ip and port untuk psiphon yg terbaru
ReplyDeletePm kat email bos
ReplyDeletesye nak juge pm email sye mne2 trik yg menjadi pon boleh lah...ultrasurf skang dah xleh gune..damnn nak tengok naruto wehh..
ReplyDeletesy nk jgk... pm sy kt
ReplyDeleteklau ada yg sye kt
ReplyDeletePm me new trick for celcom plan data only..f@¥k celcom need to pay expensive for slow Internet speed..
ReplyDeleteSpe nk blajar trick terbaru celcom..bleh wassup 0122566830..pengeras xbyk..rm20 je..cpt2..sementara trik boleh pkai..
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ReplyDeleteSape2 ade trik nk ghoskan simkad sox ? Email me
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ReplyDeleteAdmin, email saya juga..
Wassap 0145106129
ReplyDeletepsiphon xle gna dah ke?
ReplyDeletehoy bro bleh ajar ke
ReplyDeleteDapatkan lebih banyak cerita, tips dan tricks di KLIK SINI
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